Realizing the Internet of Things: A Framework for Collective Action
In World Economic Forum, 2019
Siegel, Joshua and Krishnan, Sriram and Subirana, Brian and Sarma, Sanjay and Merritt, Jeff and Joseph, Lauren and Arias, Rodrigo
Siegel, Joshua and Krishnan, Sriram and Subirana, Brian and Sarma, Sanjay and Merritt, Jeff and Joseph, Lauren and Arias, Rodrigo
VirtualCar: Virtual Mirroring of IoT-Enabled Avacars in AR, VR and Desktop Applications
In ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos, 2018
Pappas, G. and Siegel, J. and Politopoulos, K.
Pappas, G. and Siegel, J. and Politopoulos, K.