Publication Type: Journal Article

A Cognitive Protection System for the Internet of Things

Security & Privacy, 17(3), 2019
Siegel, Joshua and Sarma, Sanjay

Using Open Channels to Trigger IoT’s Invited, Unintended Consequences

Security & Privacy, 17(3), 2019
Siegel, Joshua and Sarma, Sanjay

Using Open Channels to Trigger the Invited, Unintended Consequences of the Internet of Things

IEEE Security & Privacy, 17(3): 49—55, 2019
Siegel, Joshua Eric and Sarma, Sanjay

Automated Non-Destructive Inspection of Fused Filament Fabrication Components Using Thermographic Signal Reconstruction

Additive Manufacturing, 31: 100923, 2020
Siegel, Joshua E and Beemer, Maria F and Shepard, Steven M

A gamified simulator and physical platform for self-driving algorithm training and validation

arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07759, 2019
Siegel, Joshua E and Pappas, Georgios and Politopoulos, Konstantinos and Sun, Yongbin

Low-cost diaper wetness detection using hydrogel-based RFID tags

IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019
Sen, Pankhuri and Kantareddy, Sai Nithin R and Bhattacharyya, Rahul and Sarma, Sanjay E and Siegel, Joshua E

Safe Energy Savings Through Context-Aware Hot Water Demand Prediction

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 90: 103481, 2020
Siegel, Joshua and Das, Aniruddha and Sun, Yongbin and Pratt, Shane

The Tallest Column: On Monetary Value of Stature in Jewish Law

{journal}, 2018
Ehrenberg, Isaac and Siegel, Joshua and Erb, Dylan

Cognitive Protection Systems for the Internet of Things

Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center Journal, 5(4): 16—20, 2018
Siegel, Josh

A Cognitive Protection System for IoT

IEEE Security & Privacy(Preprint), 2019
Siegel, Joshua and Sarma, Sanjay