
Merging safety and cybersecurity analysis in product design

IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 12(9): 1103—1109, 2018
D. Suo and J. E. Siegel and S. E. Sarma

Pointgrow: Autoregressively learned point cloud generation with self-attention

arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05591, 2018
Sun, Yongbin and Wang, Yue and Liu, Ziwei and Siegel, Joshua E and Sarma, Sanjay E

The Tallest Column: On Monetary Value of Stature in Jewish Law

{journal}, 2018
Ehrenberg, Isaac and Siegel, Joshua and Erb, Dylan

Cognitive Protection Systems for the Internet of Things

Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center Journal, 5(4): 16—20, 2018
Siegel, Josh

VirtualCar: Virtual Mirroring of IoT-Enabled Avacars in AR, VR and Desktop Applications

In ICAT-EGVE 2018 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - Posters and Demos, 2018
Pappas, G. and Siegel, J. and Politopoulos, K.

Systems and methods for managing data proxies

US Patent App. 15/483,768, 2017
Siegel, Joshua E and Sarma, Sanjay E

Development of an Internet of Things enabled manufacturing system for tool wear characterization

In 2017 IEEE 3rd International Symposium in Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA), 2017
B. T. Kumaravel and R. Bhattacharyya and J. Siegel and S. E. Sarma and N. Arunachalam

Data proxies, the cognitive layer, and application locality: Enablers of cloud-connected vehicles and next-generation internet of things

PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016
Siegel, Joshua Eric

Local Viscosity Control Printing for High-Throughput Additive Manufacturing of Polymers

3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 3(4): 252—261, 2016
Siegel, Joshua E and Erb, Dylan C and Ehrenberg, Isaac M and Jain, Pranay and Sarma, Sanjay E

System and method for providing predictive software upgrades

US Patent 9,086,941, 2015
Siegel, Joshua Eric